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Photo by PeopleImages/iStock / Getty Images



Relationships come in all shapes and sizes. You might be married, living together, just getting started or been together for years. Whether you are in an opposite or same sex relationship, a couple or multi-partnered relationship, when things work, they can be one of our greatest sources of strength and support.

When relationships are in crisis, it can feel unbearable and suffocating. Anger and resentment can build making home life a minefield. In Relationship Therapy, we work to resolve the internal and external factors that are impacting on the health of your relationship. Some areas covered include:

  • Communication Breakdown

  • Affairs

  • New Baby

  • Life Changes

  • Money

  • Infertility

  • Seperation/Divorce

  • Parenting

  • Blended Families

If you would like a healthier relationship, contact me today.